All tagged Medicine

Episode 83: Fundamentals of Bag Mask Ventilation with Rommie Duckworth

One of the most misunderstood pieces of equipment we have is the bag valve mask. Easy to operate, but hard to master, it’s one of the fundamental skills we need to master.

Rommie Duckworth is a nationally-known paramedic and educator in Connecticut who is truly passionate about education and ventilation, and Dan gets to pick his brain and talk about what really matters when we have to breathe for our patients who can’t do it for themselves.

Check out Rommie here:

If we’re talking airway or ventilation, Dr. Jim DuCanto isn’t far from the discussion. We talk about his method of BVM grip in the episode, and you can learn more here:

Here’s a paper Dan did with some colleagues showing smaller sized BVMs gave a more physiologically appropriate tidal volume and pressure:

The Refresh 2021 program is still available until March 31…..EMTs and Paramedics should jump on this, it’s totally FREE!

Episode 60: Art, Communication, and Healing

Ed and Dan sit down with fellow colleague and paramedic Kate Bergen about her art series that she created during COVID-19, and how she uses art to help manage her stress levels working in the challenging environment of EMS in the US today, and chronicle the amazing work that EMS has done in this new world.

The important thing to take from this episode is that everyone in EMS NEEDS to have some form of healthy release, a way to quiet your brain and recharge. Whatever you do, it is worth it. YOU are worth it.

Kate's work can be found at:

Kate has been working with Mission Hope, an organization to help clinicians and responders in the NJ area with mental health. Find out more about them at:

About Us

Kate's spot on ABC:

Kate's cover story in Real Woman magazine:

Working on the Front Lines of COVID-19 is as Scary as It Sounds